Tangerine Tango FlowerBox Cube with Begonia
Today we’re creating a very simple design to dress up a planted Begonia. In turn, we’ll add value to the plant, make you more money.
First, pop open the box. Be sure the box locks at the bottom. Then push the built-in plastic bag firmly inside the box. Next, I’m adding sage-colored, one-inch sticky ribbon to each side of the box. You’ll find our full line of sticky ribbons online at FlowerBox.com. You can further customize with quotes, stickers or even your own logo to promote your brand. Your creativity is the only limit!
Once the box is complete, simply drop your plant in. The box is completely water proof, and will hold up for months even in the dampest conditions.
Finally, I add chartreuse Reindeer moss around the edges of the plant to dress up the finished product and hide the planter.
It’s so easy, and a great way to present products to your customers that adds value. It’s perfect for gifts, holidays or even event work.
Now it’s your turn! Send me your ideas to Travis@FlowerBox.com. And as always, have a great flowering day!